About Me

My name is Ashley Mullett, I am a senior at Appalachian State majoring in Elementary Education. I enjoy living in Boone with two other Ashley's as roommates. My home is in Collettsville, NC  where the sound of John's River flows into my window like background music, ladybugs come by the zillions,and Nana's sweet tea is a staple.I consider myself a free spirit and a lover.


I love my family for generously showing me unconditional love and helping me grow into the young woman that I have become.  I am the oldest of twelve rowdy grandchildren and the first in my family to attend a University. I especially take pleasure in being a big sister. Lane and Dylan, my younger brothers, hold the key to my heart. As a sister I share a bond with my brothers that noone else will ever fully grasp. They know how to make me cry, laugh and test my patience all in one simple sentence. Being a sister has taught me forgiveness, responsibility, and understanding. I believe that God blesses you with family to help you along  life’s journey. 


 There's no other love like the love for a brother.There's no other love like the love from a brother.~Astrid Alauda 


  I love to gaze into deep rivers. I practically live at Wilsons Creek in the summer and have a sticker on my car to let the entire world know that on any day "I'd rather be at Wilsons Creek". Growing up along the banks of John's River I gained an appreciation for the simple things in life.I often skipped rocks for fun and found inspiration for my childhood journal through the streams in front of me. To this day I find pleasure in painting river rocks as a hobby."

"The Lady" at Wilson's Creek

Children bring joy into my life through adventure and laughter. I am fond of being with children and letting my imagination run wild. I enjoy these things because as an adult it is easy to become constricted to societies "normal" way of thinking. 

Whitnel Elem. WrapAround

 I love daisies because they are simple, yet elegant. Daisies are very abundant around my hometown in the summertime and they are free to pick for anyone’s delight.

Fishing & picking daisies
 The way I look:
 When I look in the mirror I see a plain jane. I have hair the color of chesnuts that highlights in the summertime from the beaming rays of sun.
I have eyes like the forest. The shade of green symbolizes the trees and the brown represents the trunks of the trees. My eyes often remind people of a soul I did not get to know.
I try to always wear a smile although sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and daze into the world unknown.
 I act:
I act happy because I thoroughly enjoy smiling and horse laughing.
I am loud at times and often perceived to be obnoxious and totally random. I love being adventurous and although this is cliché, living life to the fullest.
I act eccentric by thinking completely opposite than others. My way of life may seem bizarre and vibrant , but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I act loving and kind by living the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  I dislike shots due to the sharp needle! Shots make my body weak, my hands  clamy and my heart race.

Grape cool-aide and my taste buds have a quarall with one antoher.

I dislike messy bedrooms when trying to complete my homework.

 I dislike mean people who judge others. Growing up on the Golden Rule it breaks my heart to see people being mean to one another.
 “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”--Jimi Hendrix

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